Saturday, December 7, 2013

Simple Past Execise


Choose the correct answer:

1. I…………… some computer games last night.
a) Play

b) Played

c) Plaied

2. She…………the front door yesterday to prevent strangers from entering the house.
a) Close

b) Closed

c) Closied

3. Last year, he……………me of insulting him.
a) Accuse

b) Accused

c) Accuses

4. Two years ago, they………… New York.

a) Flyed

b) Flied

c) Flyes

5. In 1995, they………….several crimes.
a) Commited

b) Commute

c) Committed

6. I……………..happy to see you in the party last weekend.
a) Were

b) Am

c) Was

7. I…………….a nice time in the last fishing trip.
a) Have

b) Did

c) Had

8.Yesterday, the wind………..harder every minute.
a) Blowed

b) Blown

c) Blew

9. The police………….several men in for questioning last night.
a) Bringed

b) Brought

c) Bring

10. We went to Italy last………… .
a) Yesterday

b) Ago

c) Year

11. When she was younger, she…………go to the parks with her dog.
a) Use to

b) Used to

c) Using to

12. On our way home yesterday, we………a car accident.
a) Seed

b) Seen

c) Saw

13. She…………the door knob and quietly opened the door.

a) Turn

b) Turned

c) Tarn

14. She…………her happiness by delivering her first child.
a) Complete

b) Completed

c) Completted   


15. She……………breaking the table.
a) Denys

b) Denyed

c) Denied

16. The weather……….so cold last night.
a) Is

b) Was

c) Did

17. She………..a severe headache last night.

a) Have

b) Did

c) Had

18. We…………call him for the last three days.
a) Don't

b) Were not

c) Didn't

19. They…………curious to know the final ending.
a) Didn't

b) Were not

c) Had not

20. These CD players……….20$ per each.

a) Was

b) Were

c) Did

21. Chelsea………….Liverpool yesterday.
a) Defeat

b) Defeated

c) Defeatted

  • Turn these sentences into negative:

1. Stephanie took long shower last night.

2. Last winter, Ralph kept the heat up all day.

3. Matt used to buy a newspaper every day.

4. Sheila left the lights on at home last weekend.

5. It was OK to talk on the phone while driving your car yesterday.

6. I had a nice night last month.

7. They were shy to ask for a favor.

  •  Complete these sentences using the words in the brackets.

1. Did you have breakfast today?


2. …………………………..?

Yes, I did. I had some coffee on my way to work.

3. ………………………………? (what)

I had Mexican food with my friends

 4. ………………………………? (why)

I didn't go to the party because I was busy.

 5. ………………………….? (who)

your brother invited me yesterday

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