Thursday, December 26, 2013

Negative and Questions in present continuous

Forming negative and questions

The negative form

negative, present continuous, grammar, tenses
Present continuous negative form

  • In order to turn a sentence in the present continuous tense into negative, you just put the word ( NOT) after the conjugated verb ( BE ).

  •  I'm watching a tennis game on T.V.
I'm not watching a tennis game on T.V.   (It's just that simple)

  • Some more Examples:
a). She is playing with her dog.
She is not playing with her dog.

b). He is trying to draw her attention because he is in love with her.
He isn't trying to draw her attention because he is in love with her.

c). She's mistreating her parents.
She's not mistreating her parents.

d). We are having a political conversation.
We are not having a political conversation.

e). They are going to the beach.
They aren't going to the beach.

f). you are bothering me with your loud music.
You're not bothering me with your loud music.


Notice the different types of :

        I'm not
                     I am not
He isn't
He's not
He is not
She isn't
She's not
She is not
We aren't
We're not
We are not
They aren't
They're not
They are not
You aren't
You're not
You are not
It isn't
It's not
It is not

Questions in the present continuous tense.

present questions, yes or nor, wh questions, present continuous
Questions in the present continuous

First:  Wh questions:

That type of questions is made by changing the order of the verb (be) and the subject.

My mother is cooking Pasta in the kitchen.
Let's use What to ask for information

What is my mother doing?

 So, we put ( is ) before the subject ( my mother ).

  • Examples:
a). Where are you coming from?
b). Who is dancing on the stage?
c). How are they driving this car?
d). Why is he cheating on his wife?

Second: Yes or No questions

Just like the (wh) type; we change the order of the verb and the subject.

I'm studying English.
Am I studying English?

So, we put verb to be (am) first and then the subject.

  • Examples:
a). Is she doing the dishes?
b). Is he fixing the problem?
c). Are they fighting terrorism?
d). Are we making a mistake?
e). Are you feeling good?

That's it for the present continuous tense, When you feel comfortable with, proceed to the exercise.

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