Sunday, December 8, 2013

Present continuous Tense

Present continuous

Grammar, present continuous, present progressive,English tenses

 The structure of the present continuous tense and how to use it.

  • Structure


I                   am + (verb+ ING).

She               is + (verb+ ING).

They             are + (Verb+ ING).

So, you conjugate verb (be) in the Simple present tense according to the subject and the verb in the base form + ING.

1. I'm studying English.
2. She is playing chess with her friends.
3. My father is watching the news.
4. We are having fun.

  • Rules of adding (ING):

    Rules, adding ing, base form,present progressive

      How to add ING to the base form of the verb correctly.


1. if the verb ends with (consonant + e) like (live), you remove the letter (e) and add ING.

a) I'm living in Spain. (live)
b) we are closing the door. (close)
c) She is having a great time. (have)
d) now, we are gambling on the horses. (gamble)

2. if the verb ends with (vowel + consonant) and the main stress on the last syllable,
you have to double the last consonant.

(admit)------------ (admitting) 

a) they are fitting the new sofa through the door and got torn.(fit)
b) we are putting together yellow and blue paint to get green.(put)
c) I'm letting you stay up late just this once. (let)

3. if the verb ends with (IE), you turn that ending into (y) and then add (ING).
a) I'm hying to the sales.
b) She is tying her hair back.

  • Present continuous usage:

    Usage , present,continuous, now

                   How to use the present continuous tense

1. This tense is used when you are talking about something happening at the moment of speaking.


a) Now, My mother is watching a movie on T.V
b) I'm writing a letter.
c) Brian is hanging out with his friends.
d) Mary and Jonathon are kissing each other.
e) Your dog is barking.

2. You also use the present continuous when you talk about planned actions or actions that happen in the near future.
  •  I'm going to France next year.
As you can see from the example above, the action will happen in the future but because this action is planned and will happen at a certain time in the future we use the present continuous.


a) She is having a party next weekend.
b) we are relaxing on the beach tomorrow morning.
c) They are renting a camper next month.

3. This tense is also used when you talk about an action that takes a period of time to indicate that we are still in the process of doing it, although we might not be doing it at the moment of speaking.


a)  I'm taking Italian course this year. 
 So, I'm not doing the action (taking the course) in that moment, but because it takes a period of time to be done (maybe a year or two) and I'm in the process of doing it, so I use the present continuous tense.

b) they are working on an important project.

4. It is also used to refer that there is a change or development.

a) You are making a lot of progress with your English.

5. The present progressive is also used to talk about some actions that are often not good or are offensive, bad habits and some one keeps doing.
it comes with these adverbs ( always, constantly, frequently, forever).
to criticize someone.

a) you are always getting on my nerve.
b) I hope you don't come with us to the movie theater, you are always falling asleep.

Read this Conversation, it will help you understand the usage of that tense:

Brad: Hey jenny, how are you?
Jenny: hey brad,I'm great. what about you?
Brad: I'm pretty well, are you busy? what are you doing?
Jenny:  I'm studying for tomorrow's English test
Brad: Oh, so we can't go to see a movie tonight?
Jenny:  no, we can't. I'm sorry
Brad: O.K, what about Sunday night?, are you doing anything special?
Jenny:  No, I'm free then. I'm not doing anything at all.
Brad: that's great, let's invite Paul
Jenny:  No, I don't think so.
Brad: Why ?!
Jenny:  He's always playing tricks on me and making me upset
Brad: As you like, so let's go on Saturday.
Jenny:  That's not O.K with me. my sister is coming back from Paris, so I'm helping my mother with house work.

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