Showing posts with label Simple Past. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simple Past. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Simple Past Execise


Choose the correct answer:

1. I…………… some computer games last night.
a) Play

b) Played

c) Plaied

2. She…………the front door yesterday to prevent strangers from entering the house.
a) Close

b) Closed

c) Closied

3. Last year, he……………me of insulting him.
a) Accuse

b) Accused

c) Accuses

4. Two years ago, they………… New York.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Past Simpe Tense (part 4)

How to form a question:

First: WH questions.

  • In order to form a question in the past simple; you need to use an auxiliary verb which is (DID).
Question, past simple, wh question
How to form a WH question in simple past

For Example:
1. I watched a movie last night.
  • if you want to ask a question with what ( to ask for information about things or people).

put (what) + auxiliary verb (did) +  (Subject)  + verb in base form.................................?
So the question will be:
  • What did you watch last night?

Another example:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Past Simple Tense (part 3)

The negative form of Simple past

past simple, negative form

The negative form of simple past

For example: 

1. I studied English for five Years.  

turning  this sentence into the negative form is very EASY

  • All you need to do is just adding the auxiliary (did not) which is in spoken English contracted to (didn't) before the verb in its base form.

 so it will be:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Past Simple Tense (part 2)

past simple tense (part 2)

usage of past simple:

Usage, simple past,key words

 when to use the simple past


  • We use the past simple tense to talk about an action that started and finished in the past (completed actions) 

       For example:  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Past Simple Tense (Part 1)

The past simple tense:   الماضي البسيط 

Structure:     التركيب

With all subjects whether it is singular or plural; the past simple is conjugated the same way. 
الفاعل سواء كان مفرد أو جمع, الفعل بيتصرف معه بنفس الطريقه في زمن الماضي البسيط

Regular verbs:     الأفعال غير الشاذه

past simple, adding Ed, conjugate verb
 How to add (ed) to a verb in past simple tense

With regular verbs you just add (Ed, d or ied).

For example:


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