Showing posts with label Pronouns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pronouns. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative, Pronouns, who, whose, which
Interrogative pronouns
What is an interrogative pronoun?
It is a pronoun that is used to ask a question.
  • When you want to get information, you ask a question and in order to ask a question you need to use that type of pronouns.Determining that pronoun depends on the information you want.

Let's make it easy for you.

  • There are (Five types) of interrogative pronouns:
Who, whom, which, what, whose
Types of interrogative pronouns
(Who, Whom, Which, What, and Whose)

First: (Who)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal Pronouns

<u>Each other and one another<u/>

pronoun,grammar, reciprocal
Reciprocal Pronouns

  One of the easiest type of pronouns to understand is the reciprocal pronouns, let's take a look at it.

1. Peter and his fiancee are arguing with each other.

  What do you notice from the example above?

    The thing that I notice is that peter is arguing with his fiancee and his fiancee is arguing with him.

    So, both of them are doing the same action; there is a mutual action between them which is (arguing).

    They are subjects of only one verb, that's why we use a reciprocal pronouns.

    • One more example:

    Saturday, December 14, 2013

    Indefinite Pronouns

    Indefinite Pronouns

    • What is an indefinite Pronoun?

    Indefinite, pronouns, English, grammar
    The Indefinite Pronouns

    It is a pronoun that you use when you want to indicate to things or people

    without determining who or what they are.

    in other words, they are used to refer to non specified people or things.
    • There are singular indefinite pronouns, plural indefinite pronouns and variable indefinite pronouns:

    Singular, Plural, variable, Pronouns
    Different types of Indefinite pronouns

    • First: the singular ones.

    For people:

    Everybody - everyone
    Somebody   - some one
    nobody    - no one
    anybody   - anyone.


    Wednesday, December 11, 2013

    Relative Pronouns

    Relative pronouns

    This is an important type of English pronouns and you really need to master it as much as possible.

    what are relative pronouns?

    These pronouns are:
    (Who, Whom, Which, That and Whose)

    • I drove the car that I got for my birthday.
    (I drove the car) is (main clause)
    (that) is (relative pronoun)
    (I got for my birthday) is ( relative clause).
    relative pronouns, relative clause, pronouns,grammar
    Relative Pronouns In English
    Usage of relative pronouns
    • A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause and there are two types of relative clauses

    defining and non defining relative clauses.

    First: defining relative clauses:

    Tuesday, December 10, 2013

    Reflexive Pronouns

    Reflexive pronoun

    • Another type of pronouns in the English language is what is called (reflexive pronouns).
    • What is a reflexive pronoun?
    It is a pronoun that you use when you want to show that the object of a verb is exactly the same as the subject of that verb.
    Reflexive pronouns, pronouns, grammar,
     How to form reflexive pronoun

    For Example:
     1. I cut myself shaving.

    The subject which is  (I) and the object which is (myself) are the same.

    Monday, December 9, 2013

    Demonstrative Pronouns

    Demonstrative Pronouns

    • there are different types of pronouns and they have different usages. one of the most confusing pronouns are the demonstrative pronouns,but after learning them you will find out that they are very easy to use and to be understood

     let's take a look at them

    a demonstrative pronoun identifies a thing or things a person or people.
    • there are four of them:
    (this - these - that - those)
    Demonstrative pronouns, grammar, pronouns,
    Demonstrative Pronouns

    Friday, December 6, 2013

    Personal and Possessive pronouns

    Personal and  Possessive pronouns

    In the English language, there are different types of pronouns.
    At first we are going to learn two types of them.

    • Personal pronouns and  Possessive pronouns.
    Personal pronouns, subject pronouns, grammar
    Subject Pronouns

     Personal pronouns:

                         Personal Pronouns
    Subject pronouns
    Object pronouns

    • What is the Subject?


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