Saturday, November 9, 2013

My own way of learning

</ My experience of learning the language: 

  One day, when I was at school I had a plan in my mind and wanted to execute it. This plan was that I had to speak English as fluently as I could and I thought this was going to be easy and it actually is. But in order to achieve a goal like that there are some requirements.

 First you need to ask yourself some questions and based on your answers you can determine the way that you will use to learn the English language. These questions are:

  1.  Why do you intend to learn the language? 
  2. Are you just trying to make a lot of money? 
  3. Are you trying to communicate with people from all over the world or you want to get a better job?
 The most important thing for you to know is how to get your priorities right; In other words you need to know which way of learning is best for you. 
There are two ways of learning any foreign language. 
The traditional way :
 In this way you make a list of new words and use your brain to memorize them and try to analyze the grammar rules. In other words you deal with the language as if it is a house that you build so that you need to go step by step in order to finish it. And there is the other way that some researches call:
 the Subconscious way of learning English :
 The main idea of this way is that it tries to make you learn English like kids. Kids do not study grammar and they do not memorize words; they just learn the language by sense over time. Well, determining the way that is best for you depends on the purpose of your desire to learn the language and another factor that really matters is the time. If you have a long period of time dedicated to learning the language، then that will help you learn deeply but if you are in a hurry you are going to have to follow the second method. 

 to be honest, I've tried both ways and no doubt that the second way is the most effective one, but I can't imagine myself learning the language without studying grammar; it is like a parrot that is trained to copy the human voice without knowing what he is saying. Of course you will be a good English speaker but you will be like a kid who speaks the language but he knows nothing about the structure of the language; if you asked him to break a sentence down he wouldn't. 

 So I kind of made a mix of both ways My own way of learning any foreign language: 
 Any language is made up of (grammar rules, vocabulary) and how to combine these two parts together to make a full sentence. For each part of them I have a way that I think it is very good to learn the language.
 Part no (1): new words 
First, I'm going to start with how to learn new words. In a matter of fact, I have a very complicated way to learn new vocabulary, but it is very effective and useful and you will even find that you are making a hell of a lot progress So let's just see what it is.
 Pay attention to what's coming :

 First whenever you find a new word from any source a movie, story or an article; try as much as you can to write down that word and the whole sentence it is in. And even if you can guess the meaning of the word try to look it up in the dictionary especially Cambridge, I really recommend it for you, I like it a lot. This one will explain the meaning and will give you examples of how to use the word. 
After you know the meaning by heart you need to have a notebook. Focus on what's coming it's really important, try to translate the explanation and the examples of that new word into your own language and it would be better to translate them into your slang ( the one you speak in your daily life, on the street, with your friends; it's really important and it will make difference. trust me After doing that with a few new words; maybe with ten words, get your notebook and try to re-translate what's in it into English And do that for several times I suggest you follow this way three days for each 15 words. During these three days, bring the notebook, open it and try to translate its content into English You have no idea how effective that way is in being fluent English speaker. I know that it is kind of difficult and complicated but if you want to get the fluency, you need to be motivated and energetic Think about how fluent you would be if you did that with 100 words with their explanation and examples I tried it myself and I guarantee it.
 Part (n) 2:

 Grammar rules Some researches say that the best way of learning grammar is to acquire it by practicing. In other words you learn the structure of the rule and try to understand it and then practice it by asking your self some questions, may be ten questions for each grammatical rule and answer them and if possible, make a short conversation using that grammar rule. Of course our main purpose of learning any language is to be able to communicate in the language especially with native speakers, and in order to do that the most important key is listening. That is a vital factor because without listening all of that is for nothing. 

What kind of listening do I mean? You have to listen to understandable repetitive English; it would better if you listen to English for kids at first because it is very understandable, not TV programs, not movies. You will never understand and you will never improve. Try to divide your listening time throughout the day; for example; if you have an hour-long audio; listen to it for 15 minutes in the morning and for another 15 during lunch break at work and another 15 in your car when you are getting back home and the final 15 minutes before you go to bed. In my blogger, I will explain this strategy step y step and I will try as much as I can to help you learn and improve your.
 English Good Luck

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