Sunday, December 1, 2013

Definite and Indefinite articles

Definite and Indefinite articles 

  1. could you lend me a pen?
  2. I saw an airplane crashing. 
  3. The bus is so packed.

  • As you can see from the examples above, in the English language (a, an and the) are the definite and indefinite articles.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Past Simple Tense (part 3)

The negative form of Simple past

past simple, negative form

The negative form of simple past

For example: 

1. I studied English for five Years.  

turning  this sentence into the negative form is very EASY

  • All you need to do is just adding the auxiliary (did not) which is in spoken English contracted to (didn't) before the verb in its base form.

 so it will be:


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