Monday, December 9, 2013

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns

  • there are different types of pronouns and they have different usages. one of the most confusing pronouns are the demonstrative pronouns,but after learning them you will find out that they are very easy to use and to be understood

 let's take a look at them

a demonstrative pronoun identifies a thing or things a person or people.
  • there are four of them:
(this - these - that - those)
Demonstrative pronouns, grammar, pronouns,
Demonstrative Pronouns

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Present continuous Tense

Present continuous

Grammar, present continuous, present progressive,English tenses

 The structure of the present continuous tense and how to use it.

  • Structure


I                   am + (verb+ ING).

She               is + (verb+ ING).

They             are + (Verb+ ING).

So, you conjugate verb (be) in the Simple present tense according to the subject and the verb in the base form + ING.



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