Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronoun

  • Another type of pronouns in the English language is what is called (reflexive pronouns).
  • What is a reflexive pronoun?
It is a pronoun that you use when you want to show that the object of a verb is exactly the same as the subject of that verb.
Reflexive pronouns, pronouns, grammar,
 How to form reflexive pronoun

For Example:
 1. I cut myself shaving.

The subject which is  (I) and the object which is (myself) are the same.

So the reflexive pronoun serve as the object of a verb or the object of a preposition when the subject and the object in a sentence are the same.

reflecive, pronoun,grammar, English
Using reflexive pronouns

  • each subject or personal pronoun has its own reflexive form depending on whether it's singular or plural feminine or masculine.

I                     myself                  we            our selves
he                  him self                they          themselves 
She                her self                 you             yourself
It                   itself                     you          yourselves


  • when to use a reflexive pronoun:
1. We use it as a direct object when the subject and the object are the same.
  • Examples:
a). He killed himself.
b). you blamed yourself for her death.
c). the rat got itself trapped.
d). we introduced ourselves to the audience.
e). They hurt themselves when they were cutting onions.
f). I dragged myself away from the clothes shop.
g). you amuse yourselves by watching a movie.

He is thinking of making himself a cupcake.

  • But look at the following examples:
The teacher asked my friend and (myself)  to answer the question.
The teacher asked my friend and ( I ) to answer the question.
The teacher asked my friend and (me) to answer the question.

Which one of these sentences is correct and why?!

If you don't know the answer, take a look at this lesson:

2. It is also use as the object of a preposition.
  • Examples:
a). She explained the matter to her self
b). They are talking to themselves
c).  I went to the tennis court by myself.
d). he used to work to himself.

She is looking at herself in the mirror.

3. you can use these reflexive pronouns as intensive pronoun to emphasize the subject.
  • Examples:
a). I figured it myself
b). the teacher himself congratulated me
c). the car itself is terrific but the driver is crazy.

  • There are some common verbs that we can use a reflexive pronoun with like:
(amuse- blame- introduce- hurt- teach- help............etc).

That's it for reflexive pronouns and I hope that you you understand it.

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