Friday, November 22, 2013

Past Simple Tense (Part 1)

The past simple tense:   الماضي البسيط 

Structure:     التركيب

With all subjects whether it is singular or plural; the past simple is conjugated the same way. 
الفاعل سواء كان مفرد أو جمع, الفعل بيتصرف معه بنفس الطريقه في زمن الماضي البسيط

Regular verbs:     الأفعال غير الشاذه

past simple, adding Ed, conjugate verb
 How to add (ed) to a verb in past simple tense

With regular verbs you just add (Ed, d or ied).

For example:

Present Simple Tense (Part 4)

   How to form a question:    كيف نكون سؤال.

  • Just like the negative form you need an auxiliary verb to from a question in the present simple.

With (he, she and it) we use the auxiliary (does).
With these pronouns (I, we, they and you); we use the auxiliary (do).


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