Friday, November 22, 2013

Present Simple Tense (Part 4)

   How to form a question:    كيف نكون سؤال.

  • Just like the negative form you need an auxiliary verb to from a question in the present simple.

With (he, she and it) we use the auxiliary (does).
With these pronouns (I, we, they and you); we use the auxiliary (do).

زي النفي أنت محتاج فعل مساعد عشان تكون سؤال في زمن المضارع البسيط ,
الفعل المساعد مع(he- she-it) بيكون (does),
 ومع (they – we – you – I) بيكون (do).

1.  yes or no questions:

In order to form that type of questions you just add the auxiliary verb according to the subject at the beginning and put the verb back in its base form.
بالنسبه للأسئله اللي أجابتها بنعم أولا بنضع الفعل المساعد في أول السؤال علي حسب الفاعل ونرجع الفعل لأصله. بص علي الأمثله اللي تحت.


1)He plays baseball.
Auxiliary verb + he + infinitive form of the verb and the rest of the sentence.
So it goes like this:
  • Does he play baseball?
Yes, he is or no, he is not.

2)We travel to Italy every summer.
Auxiliary verb +we + infinitive form of the verb and the rest of the sentence?
  •       Do we travel to Italy every summer?
      The answer is:
      Yes, we do or no, we do not.

3)She studies hard
  • Does she study hard?
The answer:
Yes, she does or no, she does not.

 I think it's so clear, right?

2.  (WH) questions:

 (Put (WH) + auxiliary verb)+ The rest of the sentence with changing the verb into the base form.
For example:

  1. She buys an album every month.
Let's use (when) to ask about time.
When +auxiliary + she + infinitive verb?
So the sentence is:
  • When does she buy an album?

Another example:
  1. We go to the gym to stay in shape.
Let's use (why) to ask about reason.
Why + auxiliary + we + infinitive verb?
  • Why do we go to the gym?

Finally, the question form; with the irregular Verb (be)
In both (yes or no questions) & (WH) questions
You just switch positions between the subject and the verb.
طريقه تكوين السؤال مع الفعل الشاذ (be) هي أنك بتبدل أماكن الفعل والفاعل. بص علي الأمثله.


·      Yes or no questions:

1.  I am a doctor.
  • Am I a doctor?
Yes, I am or no, I am not.
2.  They are good players
  • Are they good players?
Yes, they are or no, they are not.

·      (WH) question:

1.  They are at the museum.
Let's ask about the place:
 Put (WH), switch the verb and subject.
  • Where are they?
2.  He is in the park for fresh air.
Let’s ask about the reason:
  • Why is he in the park?

We are at the end of the present simple lesson.
I hope it is easy for you to understand it.

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