Friday, November 22, 2013

Present Simple Tense (part 3)

      The negative form of the simple present:     أزاي ننفي المضارع البسيط

  • In order to make the negative form you need to use an auxiliary verb.

With (he, she and it) we use the auxiliary (does) + not.
We put (does not) after the subject and before the verb in its base form.

For example:

1.  He loves chocolate.

 Put (does not) after (he) and drop the (s) letter in the verb love.
So the sentence goes like this.
  • He does not love chocolate.

other examples:
2.  He eats pizza for breakfast.
  • He does not eat pizza for breakfast.

3. She watches a movie on T.V.
  • She does not watch a movie on T.V.

4.  He studies math.
  • He does not study math.
عشان تقدر تنفي جمله في زمن المضارع البسيط لازم تستخدم فعل مساعد.
مع (he-she-it) بنستخدم الفعل المساعد (does + not).
بنحط (does not)  بعد الفاعل ونرجع الفعل لأصله زي الأمثله اللي فوق.

  • With (I, we, they and you) we use the auxiliary verb (do) + not before the verb in its base form. 


1.  I teach English.
  • I do not teach English.

2.  They go surfing every Friday.
  • They do not go surfing every Friday.

3.  we watch T.V after dinner
  • We do not watch T.V after dinner.

مع (I, we, they and you) بنستخدم الفعل المساعد (do) +not  بعد الفاعل والفعل بيفضل زي ما هو, بص علي الأمثله اللي فوق.

  •  the negative form for the irregular verbs (have and be).

First: verb to have.

We do the same thing, add the auxiliary verb + not and the infinitive form of the verb.
For example:
She has two brothers.
هي لديها أخين.
 We put (does not) after the subject (she) and put the verb (has) back into the base form.
So the sentence goes like this:
She does not have two brothers.
هي ليست لديها أخين.

بالنسبه لنفي الأفعال الشاذه اللي هي (be – have)  :
أولا فعل :(have)

بنضع الفعل المساعد + not ونرجع الفعل لأصله.
زي المثال اللي فوق.

Second: verb to be.

It's a little different when it comes to verb (be), but it's easier.
We just add (not) after the verb.
1.  I am a teacher. (Put not after (am) and it's done).
  • I am not a teacher.
2.  He is a song writer.
  • He is not a song writer.
3.  We are Spanish
  • We are not Spanish.
بالنسبه لنفي فعل (be) فهومختلف لكن أسهل.
كل اللي بنعمله بنضيف (not)  بعد الفعل. بص علي الأمثله اللي فوق.

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